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nVidia und die zukünftigen Pläne mit VR

Dieses Thema im Forum "VR Branche & Business" wurde erstellt von SolKutTeR, 27. April 2018.

  1. nVidia kann ja derzeit mit Konzepten wie Project Holodeck oder dem VR Benchmark Tool FCAT auf Softwareebene auftrumpfen, sowie auch auf Hardwareebene mit VR-Direct respektive GameWorks VR (VRWorks) und Features wie z.B. Simultaneous Multiprojection.

    Hier ein Interview von VRFocus mit David Weinstein (Director of Professional Virtual Reality at NVIDIA) über die weiteren Zukunftspläne von nVidia.

    Hardware Giants NVIDIA Talk About The Future of VR
    David Weinstein of Nvidia speaks about how the company are pushing the frontiers of VR forward.
    Nvidia are one of the most recognisable names in Pc hardware, supplying the most popular high-end graphics cards to consumers who wish to experience virtual reality (VR) and those who just want to get the ultimate performance from their PC videogaming rig. The company has been fairly heavily involved in VR since the start of the modern era of VR. Weiterlesen →
    OWATCHVR gefällt das.
  2. Kooperation zwischen nVidia und HTC.
    stoeppel, Cyber733, VJS_Tiger und 2 anderen gefällt das.
  3. Und was ist mit Oculus, waren die nicht dabei?
  4. Ich könnte mir vorstellen das heute, oder war es morgen, vielleicht die aGlass Eye-Tracking Einheit angekündigt werden könnte und das HTC X-Accelerator Programm soweit abgeschlossenen ist, wie seinerzeit mit WiGig und die Zusammenarbeit mit Intel und HTC.

    Oculus jedoch kocht ihr eigenes Süppchen...
    ToM gefällt das.
  5. nVidia baut ihr Portfolio mit GeForce NOW Cloud Gaming Service weiter aus, im Bezug auf z.B. Project Holodeck sicher interessant.
    Wer sich für die laufenden Beta interessiert, kann sich an dieser Stelle in den Verteiler einschreiben. ;)

    Hier die Interessanten VR-Bezogene Punkte aus den aktuellen Blog Beiträgen:

    GeForce NOW: The Cloud Gaming Service for PC Gamers
    Virtual Reality is Now a Cloud Reality
    GeForce NOW will also enable wireless VR and AR.

    High-quality VR experiences require incredible computational horsepower. For truly immersive experiences, you need 4K rendering at 90-Hz refresh rates, something most modern devices are years away from achieving.

    That’s where the new RTX Servers and GeForce NOW come in, rendering on our high-performance Turing GPUs to achieve this level of performance. We’re also working with 5G infrastructure and service providers, like AT&T and HTC, to enable wireless head-mounted displays powered by RTX Servers to make VR in the cloud a wireless reality. Weiterlesen →

    NVIDIA RTX Server Lineup Expands to Meet Growing Demand for Data Center and Cloud Graphics Applications
    AR and VR Applications Now a Cloud Reality

    With low-latency access to RTX Servers at the network edge, cloud-rendered AR and VR applications become a reality. We’re showcasing AR/VR demos running on cloud-based hardware at GTC, including an RTX Server-powered demo from Envrmnt, the XR arm of Verizon.

    We’re collaborating with AT&T and Ericsson to bring these experiences to life on mobile networks. At AT&T Foundry, using NVIDIA CloudVR software, we were able to play an interactive VR game, over a 5G radio streamed from an RTX Server. The result was a great end user experience, with only 5ms of network delay and no observable performance loss. Cloud-based VR over 5G will be demonstrated next week at the AT&T and Ericsson 5G Designing the Edge event. Weiterlesen →
  6. Was denkt Ihr, irgendwas VR spezifisches?
    Sashmigo und ToM gefällt das.
  7. Fragt sich nur "Super" für wen?
    Vielleicht eine Preiserhöhung?
  8. nVidia Blogbeitrag zur neuen Variable Rate Supersampling (VRSS) Implementierung, mitsamt Aktivierungsanleitung und erste Titel mit entsprechendem Support. (y)

    CES Game Ready Driver Introduces New Gaming Features, Support For Wolfenstein:
    Youngblood Ray Tracing, New G-SYNC Compatible displays, and More

    The world’s biggest consumer technology show is this week in Las Vegas, and NVIDIA is there showing off a host of new GeForce gaming tech, including several features that we are delivering today via a new CES 2020 Game Ready Driver.

    Variable Rate Supersampling will improve your VR gaming, a new Freestyle Splitscreen filter will let you further customize your creations, Max Frame Rate gives you an easy way to cap performance, and we’ve further improved our popular Image Sharpening feature. Weiterlesen →

  9. Recht interessantes Interview von Babel TechReviews:

    Exclusive Interview with NVIDIA: Is VR Dying or Becoming More Accessible?
    Five years ago, most of the tech press hyped VR as the next big thing after the 3DTV fad faded. When it didn’t happen immediately, disappointment that it didn’t meet their own overblown unrealistic expectations caused many of them to say that VR will never be more than niche, while others are even saying it is dead. Some now claim that because VR’s installed base is so small, that chances are that no one you know has VR and therefore no one is influencing you to try it. Well this is nonsense as the latest VR reports shows. Weiterlesen →
    stoeppel gefällt das.
  10. Kleines Update,
    Dynamic Forveated Rendering mit VRSS 2 und CloudXR Streaming.

    NVIDIA Delivers High-Quality XR Streaming on Microsoft Azure
    NVIDIA is raising the bar for XR streaming. Announced today, the NVIDIA CloudXR platform will be available on NVIDIA GPU-powered virtual machine instances on Azure. NVIDIA CloudXR is built on NVIDIA RTX GPUs to enable streaming of immersive AR, VR or mixed reality experiences from anywhere. By streaming from the cloud, enterprises can easily set up and scale immersive experiences from any location, to any VR or AR device. Companies and customers no longer need to purchase expensive high-performing workstations to experience high-quality, immersive environments. Weiterlesen →
    dstar gefällt das.