HTC Vive: Ultimate Tricks and Tips Guide von UltraVR Sicherlich für den ein oder anderen interessant.
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Hier gibt es eine kleine Anlaufstelle, welche stetig erweitert werden soll. The ViveGuide Free Games & Experiences Available Add-Ons The Top 5 Most Unique Games The First 5 Games you Should Own The Top 5 Scares The VR Flowchart Und hier findet Ihr das ganze auch als Video Reihe. Machen Sie sich bereit: Was Sie erwartet Wie es funktioniert Ist das relevant? Steam Was Sie benötigen Ausprobieren
Zur Komplettierung: VIVE Pro HMD Einrichtungsanleitung Installationsübersicht: Einrichtungsanleitung aufrufen Software Installation und Status der Basisstation überprüfen Die Linkbox einrichten Verbinden des Headset mit der Linkbox Die Controller koppeln
Hier der User-Guide (Ausgelegt auf das Komplett-Set) für diejenigen, welche auf heißen Kohlen sitzen und sehnsüchtig auf die Pro warten. VIVE Pro HMD User guide Unboxing What's inside the box? What are the system requirements? Headset and link box Headset Link box Product care and repair Troubleshooting Base stations About the VIVE base stations Installing the base stations Tips for setting up the base stations Using the mounting kit Updating base station firmware via cable connection Updating base station firmware via Bluetooth What does the status light on the base stations mean? What should I do if any of the base stations is not detected? Do I need to use the sync cable? Are the base stations covered by warranty if accidentally damaged? When VIVE Pro is in use, my TV remote isn't working. What can I do? Controllers About the VIVE controllers Charging the controllers Turning the controllers on or off Pairing the controllers with the headset Attaching the lanyards to the controllers Updating controller firmware What does the status light on the controllers mean? What should I do if any of the controllers is not tracked? How do I know which of the controllers is not being tracked? What can I do if the controller's trackpad is oversensitive? What should I do if my controller won't turn on? The controller automatically turns off. What should I do? My controller won't turn on after I accidentally unplugged it during firmware update. What should I do? Play area What is the play area? Planning your play area Choosing the play area Setting up VIVE Pro HMD for the first time Setting up a standing-only play area Setting up a room-scale play area Resetting the play area Verifying your setup After setting up, how do I turn the VIVE system on? What is the recommended space for the play area? Can I include space occupied by furniture for the play area? Will VR apps for seated/standing-only experiences work with room-scale setup? How do I resolve download errors during VIVE Setup installation? I can't complete the room setup. What should I do? Settings VIVEPORT app settings System Dashboard settings Phone notifications SteamVR Trademarks and copyrights Index [Edit] Hier das Deutsche Handbuch. [Edit] Hier das ganze auf Valve Ebene aufgearbeitet, welche stetig aufbereitet wird. HTC Vive Pre: Installation Guide